Anne-Marie's memorial speech to her soul mate, David, less than two years before she passed away


Created by Michi 10 years ago
David was my soul mate and best friend for 14 years. We met at a bus stop and had our first date that night at Tim Horton's. There was an instant bond between us and we have been together ever since. David was so kind, gentle and patient - he helped me so many times with my panic attacks. He never left me: he would encourage me to be calm and that he would not leave me alone. David and I were determined to get married and always talked about it and looked into a marriage license a couple of times. We did say our wedding vows to each other and he gave me a beautiful pink diamond ring that I will always treasure. We had so many good times together - he would come over almost every day and visit. I miss that gentle knock on my bedroom door. We would laugh and joke, watch movies and play with my dog Buck. David loved Buck and Buck loved him. They would play football together. I used to love going to watch him bowling and he was so full of life always doing something. Everyday he would say "I worked hard today" and he did work hard, but he loved it. We were so happy together for those 14 years and our favourite song together was WE ARE SO HAPPY TOGETHER....This is the song that describes our relationship together....